Woman Admits She Went A 'Little Crazy' After Stabbing Boyfriend

Natalia Chaires was arrested on assault and battery by means of force likely to produce death and attempt to destroy evidence. Chaires was booked into the Stephens County Jail on $150,000 bond. The Oklahoma woman claims she saw her boyfriend texting another woman and became angry, allegedly stabbing him twice with a kitchen knife. Her boyfriend was later found to be texting his aunt. Police in Duncan, Oklahoma responded Sunday to the Creekside Apartments after getting a call from neighbors about a man and woman arguing. When officers arrived they found blood on the door and forced entry into the apartment. They found Chaires and her boyfriend who was wrapped in a blanket covered in blood. They cuffed Chaires and soon found a kitchen knife with blood on it in the sink. Chaires later admitted that she was under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, she also told officers she attempted to clean the blood off the knife. Natalia Chaires, duncan , creekside apartments, stephens county jail, assault and battery, domestic violence

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