Man Robs Anaheim Bank A Day After Leaving Prison

Eric Walter Gray was indicted Wednesday for allegedly holding three Bank of Montreal employees hostage for an hour while “by force and violence, and by intimidation, knowingly” robbing the financial institution of “a bank the deposits of which were then insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,” a charge that would put him away for at least 10 years in federal prison and possibly two decades if he is convicted. “GRAY said he smoked the narcotics and got high. The narcotics made GRAY extremely anxious and paranoid,” the complaint continued, saying that Gray claimed to call 911, was taken to a hospital, and then was “kicked […] out” the next morning, just hours before the post-4 p.m. robbery. “[t]he bank teller told GRAY he/she could not help him because the card did not have his name and GRAY did not have any identification” — the suspect allegedly entered a bank bathroom, “did some more” meth, and then promptly jumped over the bank counter to begin the robbery. “GRAY then said, ‘Everybody be cool; give me the money,” he said, even as he claimed to have a gun, the complaint added. H.M., another employee, “opened the drawer and saw GRAY grab approximately $1,000 in cash and stuff it into his pockets.” Eric Walter Gray, Bank Of Montreal, Anaheim, San Quentin

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